8 April 2010

Hati-hati penyebaran virus via email!

Sekedar sharing info, barusan buka Inbox dan dapat e-mail seperti ini :

From: "Amazon Support Sherman Post"
Thank you for shopping at Amazon.com. We have successfully received your payment.
Your order has been shipped to your billing address. You have ordered " Dell Latitude D630 "
You can find your tracking number in attached to the e-mail  document.
Print the postal label to get your package. We hope you enjoy your order!

Sebuah file (.zip) juga disertakan lewat attachment, dengan nama Print_label_41387.zip. Tapi anehnya, extensi filenya .exe (application). Jangan pernah ambil resiko untuk mengeksekusi file tersebut, meskipun udah lolos dari scan Avira... Segera buang secara permanen!

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